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6-23-2018 North Coast Modular Meetup Notes & Wrapup

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Our public North Coast Modular Meetup for June 2018 took place on Saturday, June 23, 2018. It was held at Menlo Innovations in Ann Arbor. The theme of the meet up was Programming, which was interpreted in different ways by each presenter.

Presentation #1 – Bill Van Loo

Bill Van Loo of North Coast Modular Collective explored a variety of sequencing options, including Novation Circuit and Arturia Beatstep Pro (hardware), Patterning (iOS), and Ableton Live (Mac/PC). A sneak peak of the upcoming Patterning 2 beta was used to demonstrate this exciting musical tool.

A video of the full talk and demonstration is linked below.

Presentation #2 – David Minnix

David Minnix of North Coast Modular Collective presented on euclidean rhythmic sequencing and explored several ways that the euclidean algorithm can be used to compose. Patches in Pure Data (PD) were used to demonstrate the techniques and example that David described.

A video of the full talk and demonstration is linked below.

Presentation #3 – Teresa

Teresa Sevonty presented on the basics of DSP engineering. She talked about the basic concepts of digital signal processing, and how these are applied day-to-day in commercial applications.


BONUS Presentation!

As an unexpected bonus, Andrew Belt, creator and lead developer of VCV Rack, came to the Meetup! Andrew graciously shared some background and news about the development of VCV Rack. A video of his talk is linked below.


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